I am here! In Frankston that is... I love Frankston! I am staying with Jess for a few days while Mick and the boys have a "Guy's Week" which personally, I don't want anything to do with! Ha ha! Things have been crazy around here and without internet it's all piled up and I have fallen way behind on my blog. So let me TRY to summarize.
Australia Day at the Norford farm was the best day EVER! Jess and I went, basically Australia Day is like our 4th of July but way bigger, and drunker, and the party goes all day and all night. We met tons of great/crazy people and made some new friends.
I went to Ballarat with Jess for a mini one day road trip!
Spent some time buzzing about Port Phillip bay.
Shannan took me to see kangaroos and "wallabats" in the wild! Im telling yall it was amazing, It was a nice little hike and the roos were just right there! In the middle of the trail, off to the sides, they are huge animals! I was like, OK where is the fence? Yeah, in "The WIld" means no fences.
I've been trying to lay low and save my cash as much as possible so now that I think of it I have not been very exciting.
Well Saturday night Jess and I decided to go out in Mornington and we had a great time, until the 5th hour of me wearing stiletto boots I had to call it quits and go sleep in the car! My feet still hurt. I have never felt like more of a party pooper, but Jess did a fine job continuing the party for at least an hour before she woke me up and we went home.
All the picutres from Australia Day and Kangaroos and Mornington and everything in between will be on the photo blog.
Oh! I knew I was forgetting something. I am moving back to St Thomas! Australia is not for me. I love my new friends and I have had a great time but I need to get back on the water. The Gramac is a beautiful boat but we only go out one day a week for a few hours and I really need sea time. I will be flying into Miami on March 10th, staying over night and I will arrive in St Thomas the next day. I am really excited! I have missed the islands so much. I always said that was where I wanted to be but if I didn't take this chance I would never know, and I am glad I came. It has been an amazing experience here and I will never forget those of you who have made it so.
Now as far as St Thomas goes, I am so happy to be going back, and can't wait to see all of you again! See yall soon!