I will check in from the road! If I can get free wifi at Houston Hobby that is... If not you probably wont hear from me till tomorrow because Courtney is gonna drag me straight to the bars when I get there... :)
In other news:
I'm flying with one eye. I put one of my contacts in some solution last night (which I NEVER do) because I got something in my eye and wanted to give it a rest. When I went to put it in my eye... OOOOOOHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKK HOLY F-ING SHIT OHMYGOSH! IT BURNS LIKE FIRE!!! So I look at the solution and it says "do not put contact in eye after soaking in solution" uh..... what?? So now my eye is all red and fugly, maybe no one will sit by me because I have a creepy eye. sweet.
Ok talk to ya later!
3 hours ago