Yesterday Jess and Nicola took me to the Sanctuary to see kangaroos wallabys and koalas not to mention wombats and fruit bats! We had so much fun! We ate a picnic while fending off white ibis' with thier freaky long bills and we saw platapus' swimming around like little crazies. After that we came around a corner only to encounter a couple of wallabies just lounging about along the trail. So I decided I had seen the trainer man approach them and I could do the same so I snuck up on a sleepy wallaby and gave him a sctratch under the chin and he loved it! He chilled and gave my palm a little lick like a cat and Nicola had a go with him too and we left him to his sleep. It was great day and I am proud to say that I actually touched a wallaby in Australia! I wanted to take him home.
3 hours ago