I can imagine you are all quite tired of my behavior. I have managed to quit yet another well paying job in search of something that excites me. The yacht wasn't my scene. Not gonna say anything more than that, if you want the whole story you can email me. I quit in Newport after the offshore passage. I loved being out there in the middle of the ocean for 6 days. It was so quiet. But after that I was happy to be back in the land of people. Newport was fun, got to see some old friends. Then I went up to Boston for the Liberty Clipper crew reunion! It was awesome!!! Saw all my old sailing friends and had a great time with Lilly and Sean. I am currently in Provincetown, Mass, staying with my friend Will that I worked on the Schooner Jolly 2 Rover with this year in Key West. He is living here for the summer. This is a beautiful place. Cape Cod is so green and lush!
After careful consideration of my life's direction I have decided to move back to St. Thomas and pursue my 100 Ton Captain's license. I want to take it where I took my STCW license course because I like the way the guy teaches. Not to mention, I really miss that water and the sand and sun and the life down there. I have amazing friends. Can I just say that right now? I called up Jill and Doug who were like my surrogate parents in STT, and when Jill answered the phone the first thing she said to me was, "when are you coming home?" I said, how's Saturday? She said "perfect, call me when you get here you are staying with us."
I have a few jobs in the works there too. I think I would like to bartend a few nights and work on a boat a few days to keep it interesting. I was working myself to death doing all day trips on Limnos. When I get my capt license I will see about maybe running little 6pac boats to Jost Van Dyke or something like that. Who knows, that is a ways off.
I just got to thinking, obviously I am going to work on boats for a living. Thats what I do right? Ok, well, its time to move onward and upward. Can't just keep on being a deckhand forever now can I? Besides, I think I would be an awesome captain.
Sorry for being a total mess. I haven't been blogging because I have kinda been dissappointed in myself. So, here I go again on my own.
I'm really gonna try harder to make you proud of me instead of just shaking your heads saying "what the hell has she got herself into this time?"
Well, I leave P-Town on Wednesday, headed to Boston to visit Lilly and Sean again before I fly to St. Thomas on Saturday.
Catch ya on the flipside. Island time.
3 hours ago