Morning Los Angeles, Sunnyvale and San Francisco, California! Also... good morning middle of nowhere Kansas! I can't even find a name of a town you live NEAR yet alone IN! :) I would really like to know who you are and how you get "the internet" out there in the boonies. LOL I'm kiddin! Hope you folks all have a wonderful Saturday!
I'm guessing my L.A. visitor is Brian, but the others I don't know! Hello you guys!
Today I am off on a road trip with Mom and Dad, though I don't know how...
Mom and Dad are heading about an hour and a half south of Dallas to meet up with a friend of Dad's who plays guitars and mandolins with dad, Dave. They are going to his place in Corsicana. Mom asked me to go so I said sure... then I got to thinking about it. Mom drives a miata, so that's out. Dad drives a Ford Ranger... uh? Both of these cars are 2 seaters. Where the hell do they expect me to sit?! In the back of the truck?! Oh wait, there are small seats in the mini back seat of the truck... hahahah!
You see that?!?!? LOL! And you know there's gonna be a huge guitar and like three mandolins back there too.
When Jeff and I left they got rid of cars that we could fit in. Is that a hint?
Mom says I can fit, Dad says I'm not invited. Nice to see his sense of humor is still intact.