Hooray! I finally have something to look forward to! My friend Amanda, that I have known since the 7th grade and I have decided to do what we promised each other we would do the summer after we graduated high school... Go on a road trip! We planned this out so long ago then she went into the Army and I went to Houston and on to Key West and the rest is history! She is back home in Allen, TX for the winter and spring semester going to grad school at UTD. She and her husband bought a house in our home town but he is in Iraq so she is there alone. We have decided on the third week of July, the 18th-31st. Two weeks. Our agenda is to do the Western USA, national parks, wine country, grand canyon, LA and Vegas... Wyoming, big sky in Montana. I am so excited! I have wanted to go on a big road trip FOREVER!!! I love to drive and I love the states, and I have been away for so long that I feel this is the perfect thing for me. It's given me something to strive for and work towards. We have set it in "stone" on our calendars. If you know anything about either of us you are already laughing and shaking your head, but hey, it's my dream and I will sleep if I want to. If we don't end up going then at least I will have saved up a bunch of money and will be that much better off. I think I want to take the summer off from working and set myself up for next winter somewhere new. It's become obvious to me that I will not be able to take my capt. class here with my work schedule. So I have looked into courses in Texas. There are classes in Houston and in Dallas and I am sure my Parents in Dallas or my aunt Nita in Houston would let me stay with them for a week while I took the class. These are all summer plans.
I have really been missing my family and my home in Texas. It is beautiful here and the water is great but I miss driving to visit people and normal everyday life on land. I'm on land technically but it's different when you live on island. Also, having Lilly out of town this month has really made me realize how alone I am here. All my old friends have paired off and act like old married couples. No one ever calls to hang out or wants to play with me. I am stranded on the north side of the mountain now which is the best thing that has ever happened to me on this rock. I go to work (13 bucks one way in a taxi) I work my ass off for 14 hours and then I come home. When I get here... I stay here. I have not spent a dime on bar tabs or fast food in weeks. I actually have a little savings going for the first time in ages...hell, ever. I don't mind spending the money to get to work because I make 80 bucks a day trip pay plus I haven't come home with less than 100 bucks in tips every day. The only downfall is, I have only been working 2 days a week. The boss says it will pick up, so soon I should expect 5 to 6 days a week. That's good money. With 35 weeks left till road trip time you bet I am saving up. My rent is only 400 bucks a month thank goodness. It was only going to be 350 but I moved to the bigger room because I like it more. Way worth it.
In other news, I have gained all my weight back that I lost in Key West. Bummer. I blame it on just not having much to look forward to. As stupid as it sounds, I was skinny because I was trying to keep a guy around who was obviously never in it for the long haul. Not that I was in it for the "long haul" but at least I cared. Then he really made me feel like I wasn't worth the time or the effort that a relationship requires. So. I need to stop thinking like that. I need to concentrate on my summer and on my family visiting me in Feb.
Feeling very bloggie today for some reason. More like writing in my public diary. I don't care though, I have never been a very private person.
Tomorrow I actually have to work, and good news!!! I have a W2 from last year waiting for me! I should have about 800 bucks coming to me when I file! Awesome! Straight to the Capt. License fund! 6 am comes early on the island so I will leave you with a video.... My favorite band... Kings of Leon
3 hours ago