I GOT THE JOB!!!! I am the new Ski Demo Girl at Alta Ski Resort! What is a Ski Demo Girl you ask? Well... let me tell you how I got the job...
My interview with Stephanie went really well this morning and she said she would let me know within the next week if I had the job or not. We talked about my experience with boats and being hands on and how much I liked getting into the thick of it and getting greasy and learning all about the way things worked, she mentioned the Ski Demo Shop and told me that's where the skis get tweaked and waxed and repaired and fitted and all that good stuff. She said she thought I would be good at that. I agreed. She didn't mention it again and we got off the phone a while later. This afternoon she emailed me and offered me the retail job at the ski shop, but at the end of the email she asked me what I thouht about working in the demo shop because she thinks I would be great at it. It pays the same AND I get to learn how to work on skis and all that good stuff plus... I work with all guys. :) She said they need a female influence down there and she thinks I'll be great at handing out the ass whoopins. :) I can't wait. I bought my flight ticket this afternoon and now I am in the market for a place to live. I have quite a few leads on cheap places to stay so I'm not going to stress about that. I leave November 13th! Now I have to dig out my long sleeved t-shirts and buy some long johns. wooooooo hoooooooooooooo! I'M GONNA MAKE THE BEST SNOW ANGEL EVER!!! Just wait and see...
That pic is the view from where I will be working.... YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!