Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I lost my hairbrush 2 days ago.

I have no time to go to the store. So, I am using a dinglehopper. I am so not joking.


  1. Ha, what do you mean a dinglehopper?

    Just go to dreads, Kathryn's daughter finally cut her's off, they were about a foot long. She has the cutest hair cut. She really had no reason to have them like you do. Her hair was as straight as mine and she had to really work at it. You could be a natural.

  2. Reminds me when I was staying at The Dog Bite house in April and I forgot my hairbrush and resorted to using the bath's scrubbing brush.
    It worked!

  3. ha ha, you could really reach those far away back hairs couldn't you!

    I can picture it... scrub-a-dub-dub.

  4. that didn't sound right... not that you have back hair.. your hair is long and hangs down your back... oh hell I'll just stop.

  5. mom. a dinglehopper is a fork! hence the little mermaid reference in the photo.... remember? ITS A DINGLEHOPPER!!!

  6. maybe that's the problem... there is no picture.
