Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Updade on Jeff and Zach!

They are in Scotland! Thats all I know. Zach has been updating his location on facebook, Jeff hasn't emailed or updated it in a week! Thanks Zach! Jeff... call your mother or email me or mom! Good to hear they are still kicking around out there! I'm sure they are having a blast!!!


  1. Jeff called me at school this afternoon. Said they were in Dunfree and headed to the next little town. Hope a werewolf doesn't get them.

  2. why werewolves??? call me when you get back from the bank so i can tell you where to mail that stuff.

  3. You know... American werewolf in London... backpacking at night... creepy....

  4. Uh Jomamma - London is not in Scotland...
    I know cause that is where I am from!!!!!
    I am jealous - I would like to be there...

  5. thanks meerkat... i was about to tell her that... hahahhah!

  6. Your bro is just probably all goo gah over being in the same land as Harry Potter.

  7. Hahahaha. London in Scotland. That is soooo Canadian of you!

  8. i can see canada from my apartment...

  9. No you silly gulls, I know London isn't in Scotland, I am the Geography nut after all. The guys in the movie had been to Scotland and were backpacking through the moors back to London... come on... Besides werewolves get around, they have really fast cars.
